Produce Trends

Produce Trends - June 6, 2022

Written by Full Harvest | Jun 3, 2022 9:18:47 PM


Orange prices have reached a ten-year high in 2022, and are expected to continue trending upward. Greening and poor weather caused one of Florida’s lowest ever crop yields earlier this year, while California growers dealt with labor and truck shortages. As the growing region transitions, availability switches from Navels to Valencias, and as we approach summer, pricing is expected to continue rising. Supply is peaking on large fancy grade and small choice grade fruit at this time. See Orange availability.

bell pepper

Prices for green bell peppers are steady overall but slightly lower on the east coast as Georgia continues to ramp up. Quality is good, with sizes peaking on larger peppers. Coachella supplies remain limited, with sizes on the smaller end as the season finishes. Red and yellow bell pepper prices are still on the higher side, with limited supply expected for the rest of June. The transition to Bakersfield is likely to happen over the next two weeks and should increase supplies. See Bell Pepper availability.


All varieties of apples are mostly steady in availability out of Washington. Small Galas and Fuji’s are more limited as the remaining supply is on the larger side. In addition, there are some late storage season quality challenges as shippers are getting to the end of last season’s pack out. You can find organic Fujis and Honeycrisps posted on the Marketplace now. See Apple availability.